Inspiros Worldwide

For two decades, Inspiros Worldwide has worked with CEOs and top teams of iconic global organizations, inspiring them towards peak performance and a platform of sustained competitive advantage.

The company's work derives from research that resulted in the international best-selling business book Peak Performance, published by HarperCollins Business, London as their lead business book globally for the year 2000 and subsequently by Texere, New York, in December 2000. Several paperback editions have also been published following Profile Books acquisition of the HarperCollinsBusiness Catalogue in 2004

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Adriano Castronuovo, Novartis Argentina

Clive, first of all thank you for your great job last week with this challenging Argentinean group. I would really love to take advantage of your offering about using your web tools to try to build my own purpose.

Jim Stengel, Procter & Gamble, Global Marketing Officer

The session I sponsored helped me take the principles behind the Peak Performance Marketing Organization to a new level, with more inspirational language to propel them.

Nick Sakiewicz, CEO, Philadelphia Union

I would like to offer my strong recommendations and positive comments regarding our own experiences with the Purpose project and development Mr. Gilson led and continues to guide for us.

Larry Allgaier, CEO, Novartis OTC

Your PPO sessions were very positively received and were "the right program at the right time" for Novartis OTC. And you Clive - what a wonderful man you are. It has been a pleasure. Let's ensure we cross paths on some frequency.

Dario Scaffardi, Chief Executive Officer, Saras SpA

I’m immensely grateful for the introduction of Purpose, a very powerful tool that has withstood brilliantly the test of time, again and again proving itself to be a valuable compass in times of uncertainty.

Sergio Duplan, President, Novartis Mexico

Clive, Definitely two very productive days which exceeded my expectations. Not only the output will be very useful but also the process to reach it was very positive to generate a common sense of purpose for the team. In fact I have already discussed the great value of this session with my boss in the Region and with the rest of the LatAm CPO Heads.

H.Okuda, Chairman, Toyota Motor Corporation.

Striving for excellence, continuously improving our performance with a never-ending challenging spirit is the philosophy of Toyota and Peak Performance. I think Peak Performance will inspire you to rethink your business from the inside out.

Bernie Mullin, President & CEO Atlanta Spirit, LLC

The Peak Performance process and Clive's able stewardship has allowed us to articulate who we are as a company and what we, as the individuals comprising it, are all striving to achieve.

Vincenzo Greco, CEO, Sarlux

It only took a few minutes to perceive that Elena wasn't the usual consultant and that Peak Performance could really make a difference, not only to obtain but in the more difficult task to maintain. Not very often do you come across a consultant that leaves true and durable value behind. Myself and all the management team have benefited from Peak performance but mostly the way it was put together and pushed forward. Thank you Elena.

Simon Jones, MD, Whitbread, Premier Inn

Useful session from my perspective - I can already see how these personal purpose sessions will lead me to think more proactively about how I interact with the broader organisation and my team.

Kim Stratton, Head Group Country Management, Novartis

Thanks so much for your passion and work with the teams. It’s rare to find an external consultant who is so / as passionate as we are to raise the bar and forge the teams. Much appreciated, look forward to future feedback from your workshops.

Krystina Rubino, Associate Director, Client Strategy, Oxford Road

Clive, I wanted to reach out and thank you for the session at Oxford Road. Truly appreciated your time that really reinvigorated my excitement about the opportunity here. I'm already seeing evidence of the perspective the exercise provided come through in little ways every day.

Simon Jones, MD, Whitbread, Premier Inn

Just a quick note from me to thank you Clive for your efforts yesterday. Strategic workshops can be challenging and often teams don't fully embrace the challenge. However, you did a great job yesterday. We had some really strong debates around a few critical strategic areas. These will set the tone and strategic direction for Premier Inn for the next five years. It is going to be a lot of fun. Together, we will do it.

Ravi Chaturvedi, Procter & Gamble, President North East Asia

The personal inspirational game plan development with Clive via the provided tools & behavior tips is consistently loved & seen as proof of a leader who is really caring about people development.

Monica Caldas, SVP-Chief Information Officer, General Electric Transportation

Clive is the incredible and dynamic founder of Inspiros Worldwide.

Pete McCabe, CEO, General Electric, GSO Transportation

The staff spent two days with Clive to build out the Purpose, it really is theirs… I was excited to leverage it to take our performance to another level.

Ranjit Shahani, President, Novartis India

Clive, following our session last year, we ended 80 percent ahead of target on Customers First. This year we are off to a good start. Overall also biz has grown at 27 percent for first two months on the heels of 23 percent previous year - so your work has us headed in the right direction.

Jim Stengel, Procter & Gamble, Global Marketing Officer

On a very personal level, the training with Inspiros helped me develop my approach as Global Marketing Officer. I clarified my personal purpose, and further developed a philosophy and nomenclature on how I approach the work and the organization. I have been using the language I developed consistently as I meet with our people around the world.

Mark Fells CMO, Whitbread, Premier Inn

It was a great session, and I'm loving where we got to. This process is fundamental in its effect, and I can't thank you and Elena enough for the work you are doing. For me personally it's lifting a veil and creating a very strong core of belief. I'm excited by what this might bring for me as a professional, but perhaps more importantly as an individual.

Josh White, Director of Operations, Oxford Road

I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed working with the team and Inspiros. I think we not only surprised ourselves but are more determined than ever to turn Oxford Road into the success we know it can be.

Vincenzo Greco, CEO, Sarlux

I have to say that Elena managed to actively use Peak Performance with the entire team, leaving each individual the opportunity to tailor their own plan, without putting aside the need to harmonize with other management team members and moreover with company expectation. Great job!

Bernie Mullin, President & CEO Atlanta Spirit, LLC

The PPO workshops, both in the development of The Purpose and the subsequent Inspirer Role sessions, and specifically Clive's role in them, have provided a safe place for staff to share thoughts, comment on observations and voice concerns.

Jose Mourinho, Manager F.C. Internazionale

Clive, our Inspiros session was a pleasure and I really think that you can have an important role in this club’s future. I believe in performing at peak.

Jim Stengel, Procter & Gamble, Global Marketing Officer

I am a big champion of Purpose and Inspirational Leadership training and principles.

Jason Kalisman, CEO, Talisman Group Investments

What a wonderful way to spend a Saturday, I feel I learned so much and cannot wait to continue pushing forward with this.

Nick Sakiewicz, CEO, Philadelphia Union

The development of our Purpose during the formidable stages of start-up was paramount to building our Company and Club to what it is today. At multiple levels the Purpose we developed set the tone and served as the back bone to key elements of our organization such as culture, brand name, logo design, hiring policies, employment guidelines as well as many other aspects of our organization.

Mark Fells CMO, Whitbread, Premier Inn

Elena, I'm always amazed at how much we cover in these Personal Purpose sessions and how truly enlightening they are starting to become.

Simon Jones, MD, Whitbread, Premier Inn

I thought the Executive away day was a great success. Clive was a real coup - he is a real intellectual giant and helped force the pace of the day. I think we are close to establishing a great platform on which to anchor a detailed plan.

Bob McDonald, CEO, Procter & Gamble

I was impressed with Clive right away. In particular, I admired his ability to quickly understand P&G's business, culture and challenges – and to align his expertise and approaches with P&G's time-tested methods of leadership development.

Jim Stengel, Procter & Gamble, Global Marketing Officer

The session of 30 Marketing leaders, which I sponsored, led to profound changes in our Marketing imagery, focus, and language. The language we developed, coming out of the Company’s Purpose, provided inspiration, metaphors, and nomenclature to many throughout the Marketing organization.

Mark Fells CMO, Whitbread, Premier Inn

Following our session, we set one of the 100 day goals as making a very stretching contribution to GOSH through our digital donation system. The current forecasted online donation level is fabulously ahead! That's given me a huge shot of energy and the dream actually feels like it might be achievable. So; thanks to Elena for your coaching.

Molly Laufer, Account Director, Oxford Road

What an incredible experience. Thank you for working with our mighty crew. Agency life is not always the easiest but I now have more faith than ever in our ability as a leadership team to take the agency to the next level.

Simon Jones, MD, Whitbread, Premier Inn

Useful session from my perspective - I can already see how these personal purpose sessions will lead me to think more proactively about how I interact with the broader organisation and my team.

Don Bellamy, President, Novartis Poland

In very simple terms, your methodology is a very good way for teams from different divisions to see a new world where we can work together. It energises teams to think of a new world. I think the work in Poland was excellent, outputs were very strong from the aspirational point of view.

Dario Scaffardi, Chief Executive Officer, Saras SpA

I have been involved with Clive and Elena for over a decade, with their distinct personalities both have brought great value to Saras and to me personally.

Frederic Guerard, MD and Country President, Australia and New Zealand, Novartis

I'd like to thank Clive for creating the platform for the collaborative climate which led to this positive outcome.

Bob McDonald, CEO, Procter & Gamble

We reached out to Clive and his colleagues at Inspiros for help. In short, we wanted to unleash the peak performance that we needed from our leaders and from the balance of our global organization.

Elle Macpherson, Supermodel

This is my journey. With all my personas both public and private, I am endeavouring to find the authentic Elle, not one that is formed by the outside. I am fascinated by the power of permission to dream.

Mike Dungan, CEO, Capitol Records, Nashville, EMI

Clive, Even though I have, for the most part, "come to expect this of you", I was, minute to minute, elated at the way in which you helped our Executive embrace this exercise and enthusiastically made it their own. You were truly masterful in the way in which you posed the question, kept us on track, and extracted the most from everyone. I am blessed by your work and grateful that you have taken us to a higher level.

Dan Granger, CEO, Oxford Road

Evan and Clive, what a week! I will communicate with my group leads to see that we take the work we did here and execute in powerful ways to transform the business. We are aligned in our enthusiasm around this renewed focus for the business and the profound impact that it will have on our company and the marketplace in the coming years.

Bernie Mullin, President & CEO Atlanta Spirit, LLC

The PPO process is allowing us to articulate ways to become the family that the individual business units enjoyed when they were smaller and independently run.

Pete McCabe, CEO, General Electric, GSO Transportation

Using our insights passion and experience, we made some great strides during our Inspiros discussions this week that created a clear, inspiring purpose for GE GSO.

Ray Steinwall, General Counsel Novartis Group

Clive, just a short note to thank you for facilitating the CEC training this week. It was a great outcome and your facilitation was critical to our success. Thank you very much. Ray

Russell Braterman, Brand Marketing Director, Whitbread, Premier Inn

Great thanks, Elena. Personal Purpose is an illuminating and helpful, pokey process.

Wayne Arthur, CFO Whitbread, Premier Inn

Great session today, really starting to see where this is heading now and looking forward to laying it out on a 100 day plan. I really feel as though I'm getting something big out of this process, so thank you very much!

Vincenzo Greco, CEO, Sarlux

Elena quickly became acquainted with our work environment, deeply understanding the better means to pursue individual goals while allowing overall alignment. All this without jeopardizing managements' creativity and personal expectation.

Jean-Yves Nauri, COO, Publicis Groupe

Once again a great success and of course another great experience with you. I hope I am not drawing conclusions too fast, but I really believe that beyond the undisputed added-value to individuals and the opportunity to inspire Groupe sharing, those seminars are undoubtedly highlighting major opportunities.

Gordon Young, CIO Whitbread, Premier Inn

In a world where pace is everything and we rarely get the time to do anything in depth it was interesting spending 3 hours discussing a handful of words which might describe my attributes. I really enjoyed the experience and your natural story telling made it a lot of fun for me.

Bob McDonald, CEO, Procter & Gamble

Clive is very passionate about his work and made an enduring contribution to P&G. He is at ease working with senior executives and became a valued counselor to many of our top people.

Bob McDonald, CEO, Procter & Gamble

The "Inspirational Leadership" sessions were an immediate hit. Some of our most-senior and experienced leaders described the experience as life-changing because it focused on them as "whole people", not just as professionals. The invitation-only sessions were viewed as a unique investment in our people. They strengthened our leaders’ commitment to P&G and their bonds with one another.

What We Do

Inspiros Worldwide was originally built on extensive research undertaken for the international best-selling business book Peak Performance, first published as HarperCollins' lead business book globally for 2000. The theory of Peak Performance was captured by reviewing the practices of the world’s greatest sports organizations. In subsequent years the application of peak performance theory (PPO) to many of the world’s iconic organizations has seen significant refinement and development of the original insights into how organizations can sustain peak performance over many years.

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Who We Are

Clive Gilson

Chief Executive

Clive Gilson is a founding partner and Director of Inspiros Worldwide. Clive has spent man...

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Elena Scaramuzza


Elena Maria Scaramuzza started her career as a professional conference and seminar interpr...

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Stan Kasten


Stan Kasten is the current President, CEO and part owner of the storied MLB franchise, the...

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Shane Booker

IT Consultant

Shane Booker is the IT consultant for Inspiros Worldwide Ltd, responsible for building, de...

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Evan Hoffner

Associate Director

Evan Hoffner's pathway to using peak performance is as a finance and operations executive ...

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Dario Scaffardi

Associate Director

Dario Scaffardi recently joined Inspiros Worldwide following extensive experience with imp...

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Carlo Noseda

Associate Director

In 2010 Carlo became CEO and co-founder of M&C Saatchi Milan. An advertising writer since ...

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Subhanu Saxena

Associate Director

Subhanu is a highly accomplished global executive whose experience has spanned markets in ...

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Dorothy Gilson

Director and Board Chair

Dorothy Gilson is a founding partner and Director of Inspiros Worldwide. Dorothy's profess...

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How We Work

We use an inspirational storytelling approach in all our work. Typically, our initial engagement with clients is in the form Purpose sessions that are conducted with the Executive branch or top team. Follow-up sessions that focus on the Inspirational Leadership portfolio and other modules follow a similar format. Sessions that review progress on Purpose and the development of implementation initiatives take place with the CEO and senior leaders. The highly valued development of Personal Purpose takes place on a one to one basis. Many activities are also carried out efficiently online via a digital platform.


Inspiros has a non-compete clause that enables our clients to access each other’s experiences regarding their progress towards sustained peak performance. In this way the growing peak performance family is unique in the consulting world.
Although Inspiros has worked with large global clients, in some cases for over a decade, smaller clients may anticipate an engagement of 12-18 months depending on business imperatives and client circumstances. Some SMEs may only need engagement around Purpose creation.
Billable days are defined as work carried out directly with the client on site or designated venue.

Where We Work


  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Russia
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Tunisia
  • Australia
  • France
  • India
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Poland
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • UK

Sir Edmund Hillary

Sir Edmund Hillary was a natural choice when it came to inviting an authoritative figure to write the Foreword to Peak Performance. First and foremost, by a wide margin Sir Ed is the most famous New Zealander. As the first person to scale Mount Everest, the association with the book’s title, Peak Performance, made perfect sense. Ed voraciously read the initial manuscript for the book, adding his own perspective, in particular how our theory of performance in organizations might be apply to individuals too. One of our signature offerings, Personal Purpose, has its origins in our early conversations with Ed. When reviewed by the Editors at HarperCollins’ they offered the opinion that his Foreword stood as one of the finest in their extensive catalogue. Since the publication and beyond his passing in 2008, Ed’s life has been the spiritual contours of Inspiros Worldwide. In New Zealand, students at the University of Waikato are eligible for the prestigious Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship Programme. Those who are invited onto the programme complete their own Personal Purpose, reflecting back on Ed’s initial contribution to our work. Lady June Hillary continues to oversee Ed’s legacy with the scholarship students at Waikato University.

This is Ed’s Centenary year, 1919-2019. Inspiros Worldwide is very proud to continue sharing the Hillary legacy. Our Chief Executive, Clive Gilson is the New Zealand Chair of the Hillary Centenary Steering Committee, a role that carries a global warrant to use Ed’s life and legacy as an inspiration for future generations; to Step Higher.

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